BFM® fittings In Action Across Top Powder Manufacturing Industries

What do baby formula and batteries have in common? Though the final products are very different, they have similar manufacturing journeys. Both are made with powder. In fact products that involve powder processing span your medicine cabinet to your dog’s food bowl. One thing all powder industries have in common is their reliance on flexible connectors. Whether it’s between a hopper, sifter, or cyclone, flexible connectors are a small but crucial step in the life of any powder product. However, every industry has different challenges and priorities. Explore how BFM® flexible connectors help solve specific problems across powder manufacturing industries.

Different Industries, Different Challenges, One Solution

Cows on a dairy farm.

Food and Dairy Manufacturing

When it comes to edible products, a hygienic manufacturing environment is non-negotiable. Processing equipment needs to comply with strict USDA, 3-A, and FDA food safety standards. Between receiving, conveying, storing, and dosing, ingredients may go through many processing stages. Each transition increases the chances that product leaks out of or gets built up in the system. It’s crucial to avoid cross-contamination, especially when handling allergens.

BFM® fittings for food and dairy manufacturing help solve these challenges in a few ways. First, they’re made from food-safe material that complies with global hygiene standards, including the USDA and FDA as well as 3-A Sanitary Standards. Second, they’re 100% sealed, keeping anything from getting in — or out — of the production line. Third, their patented design ensures that product doesn’t build up in the connector, lowering contamination risk.

One New Zealand dairy plant experienced that firsthand when they switched to BFM® flexible connectors. Their previous sock and steel clamp connector was a major contamination point. The gas purging of the system forced powder through small gaps, leading to significant product build-up between the externally fitted sock and hopper. Since switching to BFM® flexible connectors, their plant is now dust-free, reducing contamination and saving thousands a year on cleaning costs.

Worker in a chemical manufacturing plant prepares to inspect the product.

Metal and Chemical Manufacturing

Metal and chemical processing involves harsh operating conditions, hazardous materials, and increased safety risks. The abrasive nature of the product causes accelerated wear on equipment, leading to downtime and lost productivity. Whether it’s batteries, polymer, paint, or fertilizer, manufacturers need equipment that’s chemical-resistant, durable, and complies with strict explosion standards.

Unlike many hose-clamp connectors, BFM® fittings are specially designed to withstand — and contain — harsh chemicals. Many are made from an ether-based thermoplastic polyurethane alloy, while others are made with PTFE and can be used on products across the full pH scale, including caustic and acidic products.

A great example of their versatility comes from a Korean battery manufacturer processing super fine lithium powder. Where an old hose-clamp connector was leaking product and required frequent changeover, the new BFM® flexible connector contains the powder and makes the plant a much safer environment for workers.

Pills being sorted at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical production is among the most highly regulated. To meet standards such as cGMP (current good manufacturing practices), equipment must be cleaned frequently. Contamination could not only lead to significant product loss but also result in serious FDA violations.

Because they are 100% sealed and CIP (Clean-in-Place) compatible, 90% of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies use BFM® fittings.

Beyond the flexible connector, BFM® fittings also include solutions like the one a pharmaceutical company in Belgium adopted. Equipment would often fall into one particular vessel because of its wide opening. Once they started using the BFM® blanking cap to seal off equipment when not in use, they completely eliminated the issue.

Range of BM products from flexible connectors to blanking caps and more.

Get the Most Benefit from BFM® fittings

Flexible connectors are essential in ensuring safe, efficient, and contamination-free operations. BFM® fittings offer a blend of durability, customization, ease of maintenance, and regulatory compliance that makes them a trusted partner for any powder manufacturing industry.

To find the right fit for your equipment and processes, get more information from PSI, America’s #1 distributor of BFM® fittings. With long-standing experience in powder manufacturing, PSI can help you find and size the right fittings for your facility.