Pitching the BFM® Flexible Connector System to Leadership

If you already use the BFM® fitting flexible connector system in an area of your powder processing plant, you know it is a game-changer. But it can be a challenge to get the green light from leadership to expand usage of BFM® fitting flexible connector systems to other areas of your plant or to other locations. You know the many benefits – improved hygiene and safety, cost savings, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency – so how do you make your case for expansion? Read on.


Understand Your Leadership Team’s Priorities

To make a compelling case, you need to align your pitch with leadership’s goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). They care about many of the same things you do:

  • Operational Excellence: Will it improve productivity and efficiency?
  • Profitability: How will the BFM® flexible connector system boost the bottom line?
  • Risk Mitigation: Does it cut down on serious safety hazards?
  • Regulatory Compliance: Will it comply with industry standards such as USDA and 3-A sanitary standards?

Knowing these priorities will help you tailor your pitch to resonate with leadership’s vision.

Quantify the Benefits of BFM®’s Solution

When pitching the BFM®; flexible connectors system, highlight the concrete benefits it brings. In addition to BFM®s being used by many of the world’s largest powder processing companies, including Nestle, Cargill, Tesla, Pfizer, and Dow, you can focus on:

Operational Excellence

The BFM® flexible connectors system boosts productivity and reduces downtime. Their quick-snap fit enables teams to do changeouts in 30 seconds or fewer – no more wasted time trying to install flexible connectors with messy and ill-fitting hose-clamps. The BFM® flexible connectors system enables you to continuously improve your operations and create value in your plant.


Every leadership team cares about improving the profitability of their powder handling processes. Using BFM® flexible connectors can lead to big savings on maintenance and material losses. Other connectors can have very short life spans – sometimes lasting only a day or two. BFM® flexible connectors have been known to last for months or years, depending on the application. Hose-clamp connections are very problematic because product loss can be substantial. BFM® fittings preserve powder products thanks to the 100% seal.

Risk Mitigation

Mitigating the risk of injury is a primary concern of leadership teams. Hose-clamp and other faulty connectors introduce major safety hazards into your plant, including slip-and-fall and finger-pinch accidents, unhealthy air, and even explosions. BFM® systems enhance safety because of the gentle snap-fit design versus metal clamps. By mitigating product loss, workers won’t fall on leaked product. The 100% seal and strong polyurethane design means workers aren’t breathing in contaminants or contending with combustible materials that could explode.

Regulatory Compliance

BFM® fitting systems ensure regulatory compliance across a host of industries, including dairy, pharmaceuticals, and the infant nutrition industry. The connectors are compliant with the USDA requirements and meet 3-A sanitary standards. Also, avoiding fines and penalties for non-compliance adds to the financial benefits.

Build a Compelling Business Case

To strengthen your pitch, build a solid business case that includes:

Return on Investment (ROI)

Acknowledge the initial investment and discuss strategies to manage implementation challenges. Emphasize the long-term benefits that outweigh these upfront costs. Show a simple ROI analysis, highlighting the payback period and long-term cost savings. Explain how BFM® systems can deliver ongoing value.

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Comparison

Compare the TCO of the BFM® solutions with existing options. Demonstrating cost-effectiveness over the product’s lifespan can be a strong selling point.

Benchmark Against Industry Best Practices

Show how BFM®’s fittings match or exceed industry best practices and outperform competitors. This can add extra credibility to your pitch.

In summary, BFM®’s innovative systems offer huge benefits including operational excellence, improved profitability, risk mitigation and regulatory compliance. By aligning your pitch with your leadership’s priorities, you can effectively show the value of adopting this system plant-wide.

Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your operations with this innovative system. Explore additional resources such as our case studies and videos to help build your case. Resources – Powder-Solutions, Inc. (psi-bfm.com) and fill out the form here for more information or a quote today.