Pack Expo 2023 Recap

Pack Expo 2023 & BFM® fittings

Last month, Powder-Solutions, Inc. was excited to exhibit at the 2023 Pack Expo in Las Vegas, NV. The show spanned three days all while PSI was able to introduce and re-introduce new and classic BFM® fitting materials.


We were pleased to be one of the 2,300+ exhibitors spanning across the 1 million net square feet of exhibit space at the Las Vegas Convention Center. As reported by Dairy Foods Magazine, there were over 32,000 attendees who made the trip to the show, making it a record crowd for the popular show. Although it wasn’t our first time at PACK EXPO Las Vegas, it had been a few years since we brought the BFM® fitting to the packaging-focused show.



Weighing Bellows

New Products at Pack Expo

Back in August, we announced our plans to exhibit at the innovative show. We were happy to bring the Bulk Bag Loader, a relatively new BFM® fitting sleeve, a fully sealed, inflatable Bulk Bag Loading head designed to make hygienic loading a breeze. In busy booth, we were pleased to introduce this to our existing customers who stopped by and explain its benefits to new potential customers.


One item that wasn’t at the show but was released shortly after was the Weighing Bellows.


The new BFM® fitting is designed to minimize resistance transfer on weighing equipment by utilizing the super strong (but flexible) urethane-based Seeflex material. The unique shape of the Weighing Bellows is ideal for preventing vibration transmission between equipment, and this new product may be of interest to our recent booth visitors.

We appreciate all of our existing customers who stopped by the booth to chat and learn! We were also pleased to meet so many new people at the show, and look forward to becoming your BFM® fitting distributor!